As promised Existing In BFE will be taking a few days off for the Holidays. The entire staff wishes all the readers contentment, prosperity, patience, health and wisdom for the New Year. We are going to need them. Year In Review 2015 2015 was a year where I put my money where my mouth was. I bought a cabin in Emerald City where I can escape the rigors and strain of Florida. But it came at a cost: I am now, for the first time since my early MDH years going paycheck-to-paycheck. What this means is any event requiring expenditures results in a loss of funds, and not replaced. Balancing the intake and outtake has created a bit of mental strain and if outflows exceeds intake, then the cabin will have to be rented or sold. But I can say without equivocation that I love my trips up and the cabin is perfect. It houses Miss Frump, my motorcycle and the truck. I am within walking distance of Mark and Holly, both whom I adore. I wonder why they are looking at hou
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