This is the anniversary date of the beginning of the end for the Mets last year. With 17 games left we had a 7 game lead. Virtually insurmountable. However, we choked in epic proportions and ended up not only losing the division lead but the wild card as well. That ain't gonna happen this year. We are conjuring the baseball gods here in BFE and will be sacrificing wasps and crickets* in a nightly ceremony to cleanse our baseball souls of the foul putrid stench of last year, and usher in a bright sunny future for the best baseball team in New York.
* I got stung by a wasp two days ago so I will attempt to apprehend some rain-soaked SOB's as retribution for my pain. Also, here in BFE crickets profligate like rabbits. I walk in the yard and feel like Moses parting the waters as the little critters jump away.
This is the brother of the bastard that got me Wednesday.
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