I have been emailing with my niece, Ashley, who moved to the Quad-Cities last year from stays in Kansas and the Washington DC/Virginia area. I had not had much contact with her and am quite happy to say she is an extremely thoughtful and bright kid, not to mention a knock-out. She sends great reviews on movies and life and I am richer by her correspondence.
The most overused words I hear nowadays are:
"absolutely" (why say 'yes' when we can throw out a 4 syllable word instead)
"exactly" (why say yes when we can throw out a 3 syllable word instead)
"no question about it" (mainly from sportscasters who claim supremacy over their thoughts)
"wow" (I am an offender, please forgive me)
"uhh" (Ron Santo, every third word of every sentence, usually incomplete) Oh, and Ron and Chicagoland, after 30 years and innumerable votes, you ain't gonna go into the Hall. It is because your were a very good player, but not great, and it is a vote on baseball ability not likeability.
It was exactly one year ago today Nancy and I moved out of our big old Victorian at 515 Chambers in Galesburg. It was a Hell of a day.
Fantasy baseball is back again. The Metros will be defending their championship of the last 2 years. Three-peat!! We declare our keepers on the 18th with March 25th Draft Day. There are only 4 owners left of the original 10 teams we started a long time ago at the Mary Davis Home.
Brendan didn't make it back this week. Looks more like next week, maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. Final Army stuff that has to be processed, evidently. Like Brendan said, "There is Bullshit, then there is Army Bullshit." We are planning a fun 3 weeks and possibly a quick 3 day trip to Florida.
I have just started the 6th and final season of the Sopranos. Generally like the series a lot, but still think it slows down when he is in therapy. Thinking of starting my own family over here in BFE. All "earners" welcome to apply.
The Oscars bored me by 9:30 so I went to bed and read.
I need a Burgess night.
I STILL have nightmares about that move....hell is such a gentle word for what that mess became!!