Street begging is Huuuge here, too. Guys (and girls) set up shop at heavily travelled corners for 1/2 hour shifts. They scrawl something on their dilapidated cardboard signs and wait for the money. There was an article in the Tampa Bay Times and it was a very well written expose on this racket. Many are professionals with jobs who do this on the side. Low overhead, no actual work required and if you can come up with a snappy come-on line, you can win the hearts of drivers. One guy down here has a sign saying, "I won't lie to you, I want money for beer." Others use the military angle ("homeless vet"). The guy above is using his daughter ("single father with daughter". The newspaper article says it is very regimented, with seniority playing a big part on where you can ply your trade. We were driving by and came to a stop at the light. The other lane started moving and a car went by and someone yelled at the street beggar, "Get a job." and the beggar yelled back, "F_ _ k you!" The article said it is a very high paying endeavor as well. These guys make a lot of money throughout the year. I have been thinking about doing it. How's this? "Met fan can't find work and has to pay for daughter's wedding." Cha-ching!
This is a some type of rolling advertisement to help you get out from under your mortgage.
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