2. Saw a great movie last night. It's a dog-lovers flick called Hachi- A Dog's tale with Richard Gere, Joan Allen and Jason Alexander. It is based on a true story of a Japanese Akita who loved his owner so much that he...sorry, you have to rent it. I won't spoil it for you. This is a direct-to-DVD movie that was graded A- by Entertainment Weekly.
Hachi: A Dog's Tale on DVD. Usually when you think of straight-to-DVD movies, names like Steven Seagal, Michael Madsen, and — of course! — Jean-Claude Van Damme come to mind, not Richard Gere. But don't let that stop you from seeing this G-rated canine sobfest, one of the sweetest films to not hit theaters in years.
3. Oak Meadows California 9000-student body school district has pulled all Collegiate Miriam-Webster dictionaries because a single parent raised objections that some words in the dictionary were objectionable, as in dirty words. I'm not making this up. Move over Rush, I'm heading to Costa Rica too. When dictionaries are deemed "DANGEROUS" it's time to move!
4. How can you say you love America but be anti-government? Isn't that one of the great things about the US: 3 branches of government, our court system, and a 2 party nation? Perhaps a better way to ask the question: What does America mean to you? Now take away what the government provides. Does that change your outlook? For instance, if freedom is America to you, can we have it without the government entities of the armed forces, national guard, or the court system?
5. I haven't found any money in the parking lots this week. Belt-tightening in the Sunshine State?
6. Anything and everything tastes better on a grill.
7. Life, a 12 week series on the Discovery Channel is absolutely fun to watch.
8. I want an iPad.
9. Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains is great TV entertainment. Boston Rob and Russell have been riveting.
10. Is aids still around? This seems to have been dropped from the media machines.
11. Funny people I know: Neighbor Tim, Stewart, Bros Mark & Phil and Marvin. Cherish the funny people in your lives, they sure help lighten the load.
12. Patriot militia groups have risen in the US from 159 to 512.

13. This is Spencer, an 8 year old boxer who I met last week. A great well-behaved dog who I would steal if I thought I could get away with it.
14. Did you hear about how that Mississippi high school handled the prom with the gay kids? As I understand it they had a fake prom off-site with the kids who were gay and those who have developmental disabilities. Meanwhile there was the real prom somewhere else and they didn't tell those who were invited to the fake gay prom. In essense, the gay and mentally/physically challenged were segregated from the other kids. I can't believe how that is wrong on many levels. Think about it.
15. I dreamed last night that Gay Johnson ran as a write-in candidate against Bonnie Harris for Superintendent of Schools. It was a good dream...and Gay won!
16. Heard Johnny Cash was in BFE last night as part of the Summer Concert Series. I think George Jones, Tammy Wynett and Roger Miller are also booked for future engagements. (Yes, its an inside joke. Sorry. I hate inside jokes when I'm on the outside.) There is a guy there who cranks his outside speakers and plays the worst god-awful music that was also bad 40 years ago. It plays all over town. It is annoying. It is a form of home invasion.
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