Look at a map and you'll see that Warm Springs, Georgia is not conveniently located close to an interstate or main artery. If you go you slog through small towns, two-lanes black tops and enough scenery to last you for a decade or so. It is worth it. I'm glad I set this, Franklin Roosevelt's Little White House, as my first attraction in my trip. At $10.80 the site is well worth the admission price for a guy who overcame personal health issues, helped win World War II, embraced us through the Depression, and instituted many programs which are still with us today. The artifacts are the real things and bet you have seen many of them in newsreels, the History Channel, or textbook photographs. I really didn't want the 12-minute movie, but the site staff guy in the wheel chair (apropos, I thought for FDR's place) was so appreciative of my participation in the PGR (I was wearing my Patriot Guard Rider T-shirt) that I felt compelled. The film was pre
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