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Inane Inanities

1.  "Die young, as late in life as possible."  Russ Witte, 95

2.  My home page has been Yahoo since forever.  But every so often they like to tweak it and every time they do I dislike it a little more.  Recently they have done away with the four categories (News, Sports, Entertainment and Local News) that had the latest headlines.  Now it is an endless litany of stuff that they think you are interested in.  If  you go to sports sites, they load sports stuff in your list, etc.  I hate it.  I hate the presumptuousness of being targeted for specific sites.  They call it data mining.  And they throw merchant sites in the list of so called individualized headlines.  All of the social sites are doing it now, Google, Facebook,  and now Yahoo.

Top Five News Stories on My Yahoo page:

  • Transformer Optimum Prime and Bumblebee Accompany Young Marlins Fan For First pitch
  • Aloha! Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikas Pack on the PDA in Hawaii
  • Twilight, Hunger Games fans keep Lion's Gate DVD business going.
  • Guest Stars for Third Island Lonely Record Are Far From Wack


World's best Root Beer soda.  High calories (265) so you won't want to have 5 of them today, but if you find one squirrel it away in the fridge.  When that perfect moment comes when you need to a thirst quencher with rich root beer flavor, grab this guy.  Sprecher.  They make it in Wisconsin I think.  

4.  Spotted at a local McDonald's: four youths walking in with old McD's cups.  They head over to the soda dispenser and fill up.  Then they guzzle it all down and then refill.  Then they walk out with the cups.  Free refills for life, I guess. 


This was sitting outside a diner a couple weeks ago.  I could have sworn it had Porsche on the side of it but I can't find one that looks like this.  It is a mystery but dang that was a nice blacked out car.

6.  Got this from a friend the other day:  

"Great blogs again Michael!  You make me think, feel and gain a new perspective.  Don't stop, ya hear.  Hope all is well after the grandkids left.  That made me sad!  
Keep those blogs a movin', movin', movin'!!!!!  See ya when ya get back to the Prairie State!"

Another satisfied customer.  Thanks RM.


Who knew there was a memorial and museum in Kansas City dedicated to World War I soldiers?  And that at night it shoots out a combination of steam and light?  And that there are two Assyrian sphinxes on either side: one faces the battlegrounds of France (East) and has its eyes shielded to hide the memory of war?  And the other faces the West symbolic of the future and has its eyes shielded because the future is unknown?  Who knew?  I think this is something I'd like to see.

8.  Can someone explain to me the sagging thing?

This guy was at the Mall and seemed to have to spread his legs so his pants wouldn't fall off.   I don't get it.  Love the socks.

9.  Something else I don't get is why people have to take their little yappers with them wherever they go.  You see them in the grocery store and this lady was shopping in a department store down here and had her yapper in a stroller.  If people started taking their Pits with them you'd hear an outcry, so why are the little ones O.K.?  

10.  On a recent trip to the car wash I discovered a buried treasure.  Laying on the cement base of the vacuum  machine were these coins.  Apparently someone was too lazy to want them after cleaning out their car.  Encrusted with grunge a good cleaning revealed a pretty nice stash.  Never have I seen such a place as down here for lost coins.  Lazy, old or blind, people just leave money where it falls.  The money I have found in parking lots, under drive thru's and such could probably take care of a nice meal at the Floridian.

11.  You've heard of M.A.D.D?  (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) I saw a guy weraing a  T-Shirt that had D.A.D.D. on it.  (Dads Against Daughters Dating)

12.  I'm really beginning to hate the sensationalism of the media.  Mika Brzezinski on Morning Joe referred to the Asiatic Airline crash in San Francisco as "catastrophic".  Huh?  A plane crash where only 2 people died (and one of them by a rescue vehicle) is hardly catastrophic.  Quite the opposite.  Keeping drumming up that hyperbole, Mika.

13.  Is there some reason I should care that George Clooney broke up with Stacey Keibler?  My Yahoo home page seems to think I need to know.  

14.  Just a reminder to check out the websites on the homepage.  Bodine-DILLIGAF has been rather prolific lately.  Along with 30-Acre Fishing and Pictures by Tony-Hutson, lets give them all a BFE bounce. 



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