This finishes the Northlandia nighttime pictures. I'm sure you are all getting quite tired of them and ready for other things, perhaps warmer things from Floriduh. Although, from the weather reports it has been exceedingly warm up there and you are now very close to March which signals the beginning of Spring. It has been a mild winter for you and you have earned it. I have been heating the cabin in the woods so it has helped me as well. So, wordlessly, here are the final shots, all are from the outskirts of Emerald City.Some may appear to be duplicates from previous posts, but they are not - simply a tweaking of location, or exposure length.
You are now excused to resume your day, having a brief bolt of BFE-ness to get the juices flowing. That and coffee makes for a perfect beginning.
We watched a doc called Telescope last night between Mark's channel searching. It w as s quite interesting although I didn't quite get it. Did you catch it? It was, as my mom would say, right up your alley.