In a mad dash from where I am now in Clearwater all the way down to Vinoy Park in St. Petersburg, which, according to Google maps is 14.2 miles and tales 31 minutes, I made it just in time for this sunrise.
Something I have learned is that there is a "peak moment" to any sunrise and sunset that lasts not minutes but seconds. A few seconds too early or a few seconds too late and the optimum time to snap is lost.
These are just three pictures within the seconds of peak beauty. Remember, I don't have Photoshop, Lightroom or any other super-duper editing program. It was a mad dash to get down here this Saturday morning, but well worth the effort. These are just stunning - no kudos on my part, the camera did it.
I have more that I will post later, but I found putting 10 pictures on a page rather dilutes the magnificence of it all, so I'll give them to you in small doses. Better to soak up nature's palette.
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