She went in yesterday to get her nails done and I noticed a new cyst on her side. This one concerns me because it is different than the soft cysts on her tummy. Her appetite is good but she seems to be losing weight, or hair. Her check-up is in October and I'll ask the Doc about them. If I thought she was in pain or uncomfortable I'd take her in but she seems just fine.
For those who are not aware of Missy Marie she is Kenzie's pound dog and one of the most loveable dogs you'd ever want to meet. Of course she lacks many of the qualities really great dogs possess, but she makes up for it in other ways. Missy has not an ounce of courage in her entire body. Crisis situations tend to make her incontinent. She'll never make the paper for her bravery. But she is loyal, loving and back in the day when she could hear, she'd bark at unusual noises. She also yodels, which I think is unique for dogs. This usually happens around suppertime when the food isn't placed in the bowl at the speed she appreciates.
Just thought you'd like to know. Kenzie you picked a great one and we remain crazy about each other.
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