Things on my mind:
1. I really hope the Cubs have a good season, and that means the playoffs. If the Mets can't make it then I hope its the Cubbies. Some of their fans are insufferable. There is one guy at work who will walk by and start in on the Cubs, like I'm going to agree and all that. He knows I'm a Mets fan but evidently doesn't care. Very obnoxious. Cubs broadcaster Ron Santo is the worst: a true embarrassment to the profession. But even besides that I think the fans need a great great season. George Will said this years team is the best since he has been following the team, back in 1948. He also said Cubs fans are 98% scar tissue. So here's to the Cubbies and go all the way!" (If the Mets can't of course.)
2. Saw this item in the paper:
"Elizabeth Taylor was hospitalized for an undisclosed
reason but was expected to return home soon. Dick Guttman, her publicist did not say what
hospital she was staying or
what was ailing the 76 year old actress.
'Ms. Taylor is fine...at present she is surrounded by
family, friends, and fabulous jewels."
Goodness, that sure seems shallow at this point in life. I'd fire that publicist.
3. I'm missing the old house today. It was always cool inside because of all the trees. It's supposed to be 94 degrees today and there is no shade whatsoever in my modest abode in BFE, and it is hot here.
4. I do not miss this:

5. I'm embarrassed by my lack of motivation lately. There are things I need to do around here and I didn't do anything this weekend. I'm not fond of laziness and I am smack dab in the middle of lethargy.
6. What the Hell was that 20-million-to-not-play offer to Brett Favre all about? That is just so humiliating on so many levels.
7. Finished three seasons of watching Battlestar Galactica (OK, go ahead and snicker) on DVD. Hey, this is good stuff. the science-fiction is secondary to good characters and great scripts. The damn thing even won a Peabody Award for Excellence. Try it and I'll bet you will get hooked. Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell star along with 8-10 regulars. And I'm in love with Starbuck.
8. No way am I ready for football.
9. I am now 11 games in front in my fantasy baseball league. I won last year, too, so I guess the traveling trophy will stay in BFE a while longer. My regulars are: Howard, Utley, B. Molina, Berkman, Teixieria, M. Cabrerra, Tulowitzki, Holliday and Taveras.
10. Love driving my convertible in the summer, with tunes blasting.
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