Back in my Mary Davis Home (late 70's and early 80's) days I used to work most Sunday mornings. We really enjoyed watching Jimmy Swaggart preach to his flock and took bets on what time during the hour he would start to let the tears flow. It was always in the last quarter hour and we always waited with "rapture" the moment it would happen. There was no better huckster/hustler for money for a while, until, of course the sex scandals. Since being in BFE I have noticed Jimmy is back and while I haven't seen the tears yet, I have noticed he usually ends his hour with an emotional religious song with him at the piano and his large chorus tugging, musically, at the heartstrings and, I suppose, the purse strings. Man, the years have flown but he is still at it. Give the man his due, he has survived and is good at what he does.
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