5. I haven't totally embraced recycling. Out here in BFE there is no recycling but I do try to save my aluminum. I remember taking a truckload of cans to G & M and getting enough back to have one of those great "Wow!" moments and then being able to order Pizza Hut for everyone and having some cash left over. Well, I took 6 bags of cans to town yesterday and had enough to get a medium butterscotch sundae at DQ. Not exactly a "wow" moment, but, hey, enough for a "mmmm" 5 minutes.
6. Its 45 degrees in the house as I write this but with forecasts of 80 by Friday I refuse to turn on the heat.
7. My fantasy baseball team sucks as we head toward the third week of the season. Right now I am in next-to-last place. I made three trades in the pre-season and may have out smarted myself.
8. I fixed liver and onions over the weekend and they were great.
9. Adam Lambert is phenomenal. Strange kid but a great singer. Best of American Idol this year.
10. I'm going to Florida on May 22nd for a long Memorial Day weekend. I'll be back Tuesday the 26th.
11. Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meier to Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat: "Sir, I can forgive you for killing our children. What I cannot forgive is you making us kill yours."
12. Thanks for breakfast Mark.
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