Rosie was a lady we saw frequently around Galesburg. Whenever anyone in the family saw her they would promptly yell out, "Rose Alert!" for reasons I have long forgotten. She was one of the many in G-Burg and thousands in the state who were turned out of their institutional homes and placed in the community a couple of decades ago. She claimed the CIA and other governemntal agencies had placed tiny devices in her body and was set to go off in a matter of months. That was years ago. We have spotted her small frame bouncing along the sidewalks of town with a shopping cart full of goodies collected here and there. Never really knew where she lived but she covered town like a cold sweat, summer and winter and all weather conditions. We even saw her in a wedding dress right off Henderson street on Losey one afternoon waving to everyone who went by.
Today after taking the mail to the Post Office, I saw her across from the depot wearing a bright orange conical cone-head type hat. That Rosie, always dazzling us with her fashion. Rosie Alert!
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