I continue to love my Kindle, Amazon's
reader whereby you down-load
books. It makes
sense for me since I
don't need the feel
or smell of a book.
I read to learn or be
entertained and I am not

a bibliophile nor do I
require a library with my
Behold, An Ashen Horse
was an interesting novel
about a terrorist attack
on 5 American cities and the eventual response. The populist elimination of the Muslim faith on earth was the theme of the book and while entertaining was really over the top with its political leaning.
The Art of Racing in the Rain was something I read after Missy died so it has a place as one of my favorites. OK, I may read this one again. Moving, funny and ultimately uplifting, this was recommended by Karen, and I thank her.
A Ship's Tale was a neat little story about a group of men and boys who steal an obsolete sailing ship and take her from England to Ireland in post-World War britain.
I am presently reading White Sky, Black Ice about an Alaskan State Trooper investigating a murder in an Inupiaq village.
In the hopper are Bacalao, The Magicians, The Book Thief, When Crickets Cry and The Terror: A Novel.

books. It makes
sense for me since I
don't need the feel

I read to learn or be
entertained and I am not

a bibliophile nor do I
require a library with my
Behold, An Ashen Horse
was an interesting novel
about a terrorist attack
on 5 American cities and the eventual response. The populist elimination of the Muslim faith on earth was the theme of the book and while entertaining was really over the top with its political leaning.
The Art of Racing in the Rain was something I read after Missy died so it has a place as one of my favorites. OK, I may read this one again. Moving, funny and ultimately uplifting, this was recommended by Karen, and I thank her.
A Ship's Tale was a neat little story about a group of men and boys who steal an obsolete sailing ship and take her from England to Ireland in post-World War britain.
I am presently reading White Sky, Black Ice about an Alaskan State Trooper investigating a murder in an Inupiaq village.
In the hopper are Bacalao, The Magicians, The Book Thief, When Crickets Cry and The Terror: A Novel.
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