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Inane Inanity

1. Some good videos I've seen recently: The Perfect Getaway, A History of Violence, and Zombieland. Good escapist stuff. Best of the bunch, Zombieland all the way. Don't forget to see Paranormal Activity and Oscar nominated District 9. The Hurt Locker was very good, but The Road was a letdown. Good book but tough to transfer to the screen.

2. Avatar 3-D is the most awesome thing you will see all year, and maybe longer.

3. My buddy Gay Johnson was edged out of the Regional Superintendent of Schools job by only 90 votes. Good for her and I hope she tries again. I was so rooting for her.

4. That lady who does the Progressive insurance commercials is creepy. Her wild eyes, the 70's hair, her stupid banter. Everything is eerie.

5. I continue to find coinage in parking lots here. Another 10 cents this week.

6. I couldn't figure out why so many drivers stop far behind other cars at stop lights. It was explained to me as a measure to discourage car jacking.

7. The Saints by a touchdown this Sunday. Rooting for the Colts would be like rooting for the Yankees.

8. Up North you go to a dentist and they bill you later. Down here they get all your insurance stuff, then inspect and tell you how much before they fix it.

9. I am about to declare my independence! I don't think either party has my interests at heart. I also don't like the partisan slice-n-dice. Pelosi, Reid, Boehner and McConnell both give me the dry heaves. I am considering becoming independent. I like Obama, I really do, but this long-time liberal has become disenchanted with the the Washington way of business. Charlie Crist, Florida's governor, and a good Republican who has moderate ideas, had the audacity to hug the President when he visited last year is losing his election bid for the vacated senate seat. He gave the President a hug when he arrived with a bucket load of TARP money to a recession-wracked state. And now the conservatives want to boot him. A simple polite and civil social act now results in the kind of ads shown above. Reminds me too much of the fundamentalism sweeping the Arab world. Lop off a hand if you look at a woman kind of thing. A pox on Fox and MSNBC. Politics, and the art of compromise, only works in a centrist and moderate climate. To much "gotcha" politics and not enough legislating for the people. I'm taking my toys and leaving for a different sandbox. Therefore I'm kind of withdrawing my liberal card and taking a step back and let the big guys duke it out without me. When the environment changes and "stupid" leaves the equation, maybe then I'll gingerly get back in the mix. I'm not proseletyzing, trying to change minds about your political views, Hell, have at it. Just do it with out me. When I see a jar with a skull and cross-bones on it, I'm smart enough not to drink.

10. Speaking of stupid, how about Illinois' new Democratic Lieutenant Governor candidate: Scott Lee Cohen won the spot on the ticket on Tuesday. He is a businessman (pawn shops) who was arrested in the past for domestic abuse (held a knife to her throat), beating up on his massage therapist girlfriend who just also happens to have been arrested herself for prostitution. He has taken steroids in the past (" was a difficult time for me."). His es-wife also accused him of rape, several affairs, and kicked in the garage door when he was locked out of the house. Frankly, sounds perfect for Springfield. Certainly no worse than some in Washingston.

11. My fraternity, Phi Delta Theta, was de-chartered at Iowa Wesleyan College for lack of members. Kind of sad. They say they have begun efforts for reinstatement but if you don't have the numbers why didn't they do this before deactivation?

12. The Mets play the Rays at the Tropicana on April 2 in spring training action. I did a ticket search and they came up with really good ones for $150.00! For spring training? I don't think I'll be here but that would be cool to see, but not for that price.

13. If Avatar wins Best Picture, it will be the highest-grossing winner ever.
If The Hurt Locker wins Best Picture, it will be the lowest-grossing winner ever.


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