As the sun sets in Mercer County the Mild Ones journey to Miss Effie's. Miss Effie calls like a siren to a sailor.
My oh my. Someone had the great idea to go to Aledo to check out Miss Effie's Ice Cream Emporium. Ice cream is a weakness. It all started when I was a wee lad and Leota Meehan, our babysitter, would fix us boys giant sundaes on Saturday nights. I'm not talking cereal bowl sundaes but mixing bowl monstrosities. Maybe my memory is faulty but it sure seemed like they were giant mountains of vanilla smothered in rivulets of chocolate syrup with nuts and I even think she put a cherry on top. I'll have to huddle with my bros to get the real story but to a 6 year old it was perfection in a bowl. Then I tasted the evil of homemade ice cream - real cranked treasure in a vat. The Muslims can have their 40 virgins, man, there's nothing like ice cream. So off we travel to Miss Effie's. Couldn't go to Viola to the Milk House, no, we had to go to hand-dipped heaven. I have to confess: I went back for seconds. But I wasn't the only one.
Note: All pictures of me eating at Miss Effie's have been deleted. Far too graphic for a family blog.
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