We ran into this white shirt and short clad group standing around and sipping something. There were a few people who went over in a quad area and played croquet. If I didn't know it I'd say it was a family group that played croquet in white clothes. Wimpy? Yuppish? No football for these cats. Maybe they were English and prone to wimpy sports? Jolly good, what?

And son, no football or baseball for you. Those people are just brutish.
Croquet is an honorable sport. A sport of Kings. And where else can you tap a ball and then help yourself to a spot of tea.
Apologies to my English readers. Karen? RB, you guys do this over there in Merry Olde England?
I say, Charles, did you happen to see the Royal wedding? I say! Good show, what what.
"And then son, you take this mallet and gently tap the ball to gently tap the other ball over there."
It's the manly sport of croquet, passed down from wimpy father to wimpy son.
Oh, let me take your picture, you look so splendid in your whites.
OK, ready? Say "Queen Mum".
And son, no football or baseball for you. Those people are just brutish.
Croquet is an honorable sport. A sport of Kings. And where else can you tap a ball and then help yourself to a spot of tea.
Apologies to my English readers. Karen? RB, you guys do this over there in Merry Olde England?
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