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Full Of Sound and Fury...Signifying Nothing

(Picture taken by Jeff Sutor)

I have an old friend, we started working together at the Mary within weeks of each other, named Jeff Sutor who I admired as a co-worker, and enjoyed as a friend until he ran off to a better pension. As it so often goes, although I'd run into him and his wife Carol on occasion, our interactions were few after his hiring at the prison. He is back in the picture as I met them down here in St. Pete last winter, and he is helping me with a couple of projects in gulag Henderson during my rehab exile. He recently posted a picture on Facebook with the caption, "Is this legal." Jeff always looked at things just a millimeter different than the rest of us, to his credit, and our amusement.

(picture not mine)

Brendan and Norah. Aw, ain't that sweet?

You see, one of my problems was my Mother was a stickler for English. If you said, "Where at?" she'd reply, "Behind the at." Me too, I never really ever got that except supposedly saying "where" is all you need. She taught us good grammar (usually), and reinforced the need to spell well, too. when I see such a glaring inability to spell it brings back all kinds of images for me. You can stupid, but smart enough to have a dictionary. Apparently this store owner not only is stupid but also too stupid to check on her spelling. No excuse. Even when I make a mistake on this blog it is spellcheck, not my poor spelling.

                                        Sunrise over the Bay a few days ago.  Beautiful sunrises...

...and stunning sunsets.

President Obama shaking hands with our former neighbor, Mindi, (wearing the black glasses) when we lived on Chambers Street in Galesburg.  She works at GHS and had the snapshot of a lifetime. (picture not mine)

Saw this nice looking old plane at The Alfred Whitted Airport which is right on the Bay.

I never tire of seeing these big freighters whenever I cross the Skyway. 


The above address will take you to a revolutionary new kind of movie making.  Download where it says "Watch" and see a pretty harrowing spook film.  The truly unique thing is, you can watch it free on your computer.  That's right, the makers have been selling "cells" of the film to finance it are are allowing people to see it free for a limited period of time.  There will be theatrical releases and DVD's but for now it is free and they will ask you if you want o buy a cell for a buck, or whatever amount you want. 
It is one of those Blair Witch "found movie" films and has a great premise.  It is about a news team that goes underground to an old subway system in Sydney.  It's an Aussie film and had me on the edge of my computer chair a few times. It is well done, the acting pretty good, and the scary scenes done with enough darkness to heighten your fright rather than spoil it.  So go watch the movie.   

And finally, this guy was outside the front door walking around the other day.  Friendly enough and when he saw me poking around he went 'all turtle' on me and drew in his head, tail, and legs.  This is a Box turtle which have long lives.  Used to be people would catch one and put the date and their initials on it.  Some have lived up to a hundred years.   

(Picture not mine)

                                                         Apparently Laura is expendable.

I saw this guy in Peoria boarding the same plane as me, heading to St. Pete. In a valiant go-down-kicking-and-screaming fashion, he has been able to braid a ponytail with the last few wisps of hair he has left. Bravo. Never say die!

I saw this cartoon and loved it. 
This is for my friend Gay Johnson


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