Being kidnapped by a bunch of pretty college girls is perhaps one of the more enjoyable ways to celebrate a birthday. I went willingly and acquiesced to all of their demands, such as having a piece of cake. I'm sure I developed Stockholm Syndrome with my captors.
It was an inside job and even our brother Pledges were in on the caper. We had the sorority and the fraternity all gathered to help us have a fun and memorable birthday. Three of the four pictured are drinking something, punch I'm sure. If it was punch I'm sure our bodies welcomed the respite from more adult stuff. And if it wasn't punch, then I'm sure our bodies handled it well enough since they had plenty of practice.
Looks like this would have been our senior year and with us are our fraternity pledge son's. We are assigned to new pledges to help them get acclimated to college life, keep their noses in the books and learn the ropes of fraternity life. I am a good example of a freshman who got things a bit out of whack their first semester. I played too hard, stayed up too late and got involved in too many keggers and card games and my parents, after having seen my grades, called in reinforcements. I recall a certain ride around the countryside by my oldest brother, Phil, who gave me the "Come to Jesus" lecture about perspective, grades and limiting the fun. That chat did more for me and my GPA than all the subsequent trips to the library in the next 3 1/2 years.
By the way, I don't know what happened to Mark's pledge son, but mine, the eminent Dr. Kolbow, of Kansas City plays in our baseball and football fantasy leagues. A fellow Met's fan, we are still in touch.
Thanks Again, Phil, and Happy Birthday, Wombie.
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