(This is the third post for today's Flashback Friday)
Summer's First Good Ride - Part 2

Saddle up!

Mike, Tim, Carrie and Rick's hand.
"Aw shucks, Jen."
After our lunch at the Driftwood (tomorrow's entry) we saddled up and left Peoria by heading up to Spring Bay and Mike back in the lead. We went up to Lacon, across to Sparland (and saw Capone's safe house) and then across country to Wataga (Tim: it's 1st gear then 2nd and so on) and rested at the Nowhere Bar. My leading across this portion of Illinois was kind of fun because I knew where I was but others didn't, which doesn't happen to me very often.
We debriefed at the CC upon landing in BFE and discussed the ride. A good one incorporates good company, plenty of laughs, great food, a beer or soda along the way, excellent roads and the sights, sounds, smells of riding a bike. What a great weekend. No way next weekend will be as good but we'll do our best to make a memorable riding experience. Any ride is worthwhile with good friends.
Oooooh? so it's 1-2-and then 3? Good advise, Thanks Kickstand!