I am by no means the hall monitor. People can damn well do what they want. Back when all men wore fedoras or some type of hat, tam or cap, there was a rigid societal norm for hat etiquette. Judgment was swift to those who broke society's laws, for both men and women. For instance, swim wear was still brutally modest - no nipples allowed for either sex.
I was mildly surprised, but then not so much these days, when I saw this group of guys (and girl) having breakfast at an Emerald City restaurant while back and wondered what the current protocols were for head wear. All seven above (there was a youngster hidden by the gent in green across the table) were wearing caps.
Hats.com offered this as a guideline:
Men Can Leave their Hats On When:
- they are outside
- they are at an athletic event, indoor or outdoors
- in public buildings like post offices, airports, or hotels
- on public transportation
- in hotels
Men Should Leave Their hats Off When:
- they are sitting down to eat a meal
- in a house of worship
- public buildings like schools, town halls, libraries
- when the National anthem is playing
- in restaurants and cafes
Speaking of societal norms, why on earth is this even a 'thing"?
Imaginarte - Niceballs - ENG from Imaginarte on Vimeo.
I consider balls hanging from truck axles or office desks to be a step too far. And besides, they are a lot like beds - there's nothing quite like your own.
Have I mentioned in the past six months how I detest cats? Except when they inflict their catness on each other.
In our cleanup at the Kenzie's we noticed this guy on the side of the house. It is a katydid or leaf bug. We saw him clinging to Kenzie's house during clean-up following Irma. After those winds, he must have been exhausted.
Is it just me or has someone sat our President down and explained the rules? There seems to be less idiotic mouth and more contemplative silence. That is a good thing. Oops, I was wrong - he just tweeted that 7th grade golf shot-Hillary thing. It was nice while it lasted.
I began babysitting again once the dust settled down here and people went back to work. One of my diaper changes (I have a picture but since you are all eating your morning oatmeal, I have declined to post it) on Wednesday revealed not only a healthy load of #2 but also a toy hot dog. There are simply too many replies to that...I'll let you finish the thought.
Stopped by almost daily up North and had an apple from these trees. Aren't they beautiful? Once when I took one a bird jumped out and landed in the yard. He fluttered his way to the corn field. I told the Wombie I think I hurt him and he said that is a defensive device to lure you away from the nest. I like that explanation. Only problem with it was every time I approached and grabbed another apple the bird wasn't there. Anyway thanks for the apples, Gary.
Stopped by almost daily up North and had an apple from these trees. Aren't they beautiful? Once when I took one a bird jumped out and landed in the yard. He fluttered his way to the corn field. I told the Wombie I think I hurt him and he said that is a defensive device to lure you away from the nest. I like that explanation. Only problem with it was every time I approached and grabbed another apple the bird wasn't there. Anyway thanks for the apples, Gary.
I almost forgot the best line of the morning breakfast with all of us in Northlandia. Some of the Lee's were seated next to us at the Town & Country restaurant and Alfred walked over like she knew them. The Lee's are known for being height-challenged. Mrs. Wombie remarked "Ayla likes them, they are more her size."
Giant mushroom on the outskirts of Emerald City. That's my size 14 foot and a walnut.
How disagreements with my wife usually go.
I wrote awhile ago that the effects of global warming were most likely too late to fix. Now I see famed scientist Neil Tyson Degrasse came out yesterday and said the same thing. My God! He reads my blog!
Is What a Wonderful World just about the most overused song in history of marketing? S-T-O-P!
I don't get the whole Lego thing. Add to it a Batman Lego figure and I'm double dumbstruck, or double dumb.
I can't believe how rusty my babysitting skills got while gone. I even responded to one of Norah's "whys?" by saying, "I'll tell you when I come up with a good reason."
With both Allegiant flights cancelled and my family facing a potentially dangerous hurricane, I was able to board a United flight to Tampa on Friday. They would cancel all other flights to Tampa the next day. I was lucky and had an almost empty plane to myself. Even as we taxied out I always thought there was a chance the flight would be cancelled. I was lucky but already missing Northlandia.
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