It's a different Tuesday Tidbit today. It's Halloween! Hey, those of you wanting the usual stellar carefully crafted bits of tid, well, sorry - I don't make the calendars. It's kind of neat the way Halloween has become a really big event. When I was growing up the day was for the kids, now adults get into it, too. Funny the number of people who say it is their favorite holiday. +++++++++++ ++++++++++ Halloween Quiz (Answers below) (1) In 1931's Frankenstein , Frankenstein's fiancee, Elizabeth; her friend, Victor Moritz; and Frankenstein's mentor, Dr. Waldman, go to see Frankenstein in his abandoned watchtower-cum-laboratory. Why? a. They want to stop him from violating God's law. b. They know the townspeople are rising up, and want Frankenstein to stop before they do. c. They think he's overworking himself. d. They think he's dead, and are going to check to be sure. (2) In 1931's
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