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Peace of My Mind

Yesterday I went to Wal-Mart.  Not because I wanted to but because the current Mrs. Blythe did.  While there I witnessed two people who were wearing clothes many sizes too small. A few folks who looked like they crawled from under an overpass and were looking for company or a place to piss.  Two people looked like they were about to go at it over something and on the way out, three people huddled while one dramatically gossiped about a mutual acquaintance, the one talking animated like they reveled in the telling.   

I've never been so relieved to get out of a place except maybe the dentist.  

On the way to the car I railed on the current Mrs. Blythe to use Amazon as a way to avoid this place and that I must get out of this state.  She correctly said its not this state, its everywhere.  That was a terrifying statement.  And then I started thinking.  Maybe it is everywhere.  Everything sucks.  Everything is broken, tainted or just plain bad.

Doesn't it seem that there are stories all the time about this person or that who we had an opinion of being OK, only to find out they abused their kids, or embezzled public funds or were mean to dogs?Kevin Spacey was a decent actor until he groped that kid.  Mel Gibson was an acclaimed actor and director until he got drunk and told folks what he really thought of Zionism.  Charley Rose was a good journalist until we found out he was a an abusive creeper.  Same with Matt Lauer, Tom Brokaw, Louis C.K., Dustin Hoffman, Michael Douglas, Richard Dreyfuss, well, the list goes on and on.  

And what about the Royal family?  I guess after pervy Prince Andrew, the brothers spat, the whole Charles-Camilla-Diane thing we all realize they are just as fucked up as the rest of us.  Hell, Harry is the only one I know who has divorced his family.

Everything sucks. Who does Chief Justice think he is calling our Congress the "Greatest Deliberative Body" in the world. Hell, it hasn't been deliberative in years. Instead of candy, fill that congressional desk with Glocks and there'd be almost instantaneous term limits. Which, I guess, probably wouldn't be the worst thing. What a shit hole that place is. Desperate millionaires selling their souls to keep a job that maybe gets you 10 minutes a month on C-Span. Mirror, mirror on the wall sort of thing.

I'm not into rap but that must be one sucky business, too. The life expectancy of a rapper is about 26. If drugs don't get you your business manager will. The latest rapper to die was that Wrld B Gne or whatever his name was swallowed a bunch of pills when his plane landed and customs folks were heading in to inspect the place. Proof, like Congress, that brains aren't essential in the workplace.

Recent headlines have been telling us The Vatican's bank was raided in December with computers and documents detailing a money laundering operation with other banks in Europe. Of course this is welcome news to the usual pedophile stories coming out of the place.

Everything sucks. Banks, states, legislatures, public funds, people who run public funds. Blago still sits in jail, and the other Illinois governor was released only because his wife was dying. A Navy Seal kills innocent civilians and gets a pardon and a pat on the back by the president. A decent American military officer comes forward to tell us what he heard and read and is condemned. Of course, he is an immigrant so not really an American, right?

People are rioting and marching against their governments in Hong Kong, Chile, Venezuela, Iran, Egypt, and believe it or not, Belgium. Governments haven't learned that all you have to do is take care of the people. Last week the women picked up their placards and marched here in the US for immigration and climate concerns. Speaking of climate, kids are taking up the fight while we fat cat adults tell them to get back in school. Someone please tell those kids its too late anyway.

We have a mean and bullying president who lies constantly (up to almost 17,000 in three years), a major news network who shades the truth, Boeing that cut corners and cost lives, a car CEO who escaped trial for fraud, and now I have to worry about a virus from China that may kill me because someone sold a snake that ate a bat in a meat market there. And here I thought the bird flu was gonna get me.

My hero as a kid, NASA, is now just a bit player in space exploration and their planning a man to the moon in 2024. The Free Press is the bogey man, Hillary the bogey woman, and apparently college students, long the vanguard of America's youthful moral rectitude have quit protesting altogether.

They got rid of my favorite candy bar of all time, a chocolate covered Payday, cinnamon Triscuts that I loved, Jerry's Pizza is no more and now I can't find my Southern Butter Pecan creamer for my morning coffee.

Everything sucks.

But there is hope. This is the Black Hole time of year when there is nothing until Baseball Spring Training which is in three weeks. When life renews itself, I shake the notion that everything sucks and life is good again. Oh yeah, I forgot. Baseball has been in the throes of a cheating scandal that has been going on for years and as put into serious question the past three World Series.

Everything sucks.



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