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Showing posts from February, 2020

Take Out the Trash Day

Murphy's Law And Others “If there’s no alternative, there’s no problem.” James Burnham “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” C. Northcote Parkinson “Don’t worry about your enemies; it’s your allies who will do you in.” James Abourezk “A rumor will travel fastest to the place where it will cause the most harm.” Gustavo N. Agrait “Don’t readily ascribe to malice what can be more easily ascribed to incompetence.” James Akre “Troublesome correspondence that is postponed long enough will eventually become irrelevant.” Mark Albrecht “Help a man who is in trouble and that man will remember you when he is in trouble again.” Paul Alexander “Favors granted always become defined as rights.” Saul Alinsky “The strength of one’s opinion on any matter in controversy is inversely proportional to the amount of knowledge that the person has on that subject.”