"The veil of civilization is thin, but not everything behind it is savage. We are going to be OK."
A nurse who said some guy threw hundreds of masks into her car.
Our receptionist here at Existing In BFE looking at the recent balance sheet. I told her we'd be going another week.
How did we get to be a 3rd world country? And no one seems to care.
Yeah, I know. I've posted this before. But damn, its so true.
As of yesterday morning, there are 359 Covid cases in my county of Pinellas down here. There are 2 in Mercer County up north.
Coke is shut down for two weeks so the current Mrs. Blythe, her cat Gus, my dog Whizzbang Zoom and I are isolating for awhile. Whizz and I didn't take our walk yesterday or today for fear of running into Bruce, our security guard buddy who looks out for us and likes to chat.
We have no masks but I ordered a balaclava. Patriotically red, white and blue.
We might go on hiatus for a bit. Don't think that will break too many hearts.
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