"Judy Clayton and her cat await their turn in the second annual Catminster on Sunday afternoon in Sandburg Mall. Crystal, also nicknamed "Brat Cat," was rescued by Clayton just before Christmas 2009 when the kitten was spotted in the Hy-vee parking lot just off National Blvd. The kitten was distressed and appeared malnourished, something that Clayton has been able to remedy with care and a home."
Personally I love cats. Never met or ran over a cat I didn't like. I think they should all be set free to roam and frolic without having to put up with humans. Perhaps Afghanistan. Or Pluto. Poor Crystal. Judy went to the grocery store to buy eggs and milk and now ends up in captivity. I don't understand why some people hate them:
1. No more expensive trips to the Dr's office.
2. No more vermin that have been decomposing behind the entertainment center for 5 months. Oh, and that cute pretty finch you haven't seen at the bird-feeder in 2 weeks? Look behind your bookcase.
3. No more piles of up-chucked supper right where you are about to step.
4. No more daily wheezing because you are allergic to them.
5. No more stare-downs.
6. No more hopelessly scratched couches and recliners.
7. No more lint rolls.
8. No more free-loaders. At least dogs herd sheep and cows, pull sleds, and help blind people.
9. No more kitty-litter pressed between your toes.
10. No more hairballs.
11. No more random pee spots.
12. No more litter everywhere.
Now, reasons to love them:
1. Soft and cuddly.
(uh, well, I'll think of more...)
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