Thats old Buckethead leading the parade. I'm trying to get everyone to call me "Deer Leader".
Outside the Mormon Temple in Nauvoo. Tim cheering us on.
on the day he travelled to Carthage only to be killed by a mob.
The rebuilt Temple which was completed a few years ago.

Saturday (June 26) took the North Henderson Mild Ones biker gang South to Carthage, Nauvoo and then to Mt. Pleasant for lunch. Nice day for riding and checking out the sights. I tried to take some vids of the Great River Road from Hamilton up through Nauvoo but, sadly, I don't know how the darn thing works, but will by next weekend.
We first stopped at Macomb for a donut and then on to Carthage. Great 4 lane but very little traffic. We tried to stop at the historic jailhouse and place of Joseph Smith's murder, but there were bus loads of young people visiting and we were a little creeped out at the Visitor Center. Off to Hamilton and up north along the river. Wonderful scenery and more than a few bikes out. Hot day and stopped at a river inlet to discuss journey.
Once in Nauvoo it didn't take long to spot the Temple as it is the biggest structure in town. They don't give tours but I'll bet it is just as beautiful inside as out. This little town is a cash cow with the Mormon presence and we could have spent more time here, but we like to keep moving.
We crossed the river at Fort Madison and went over the strangest bridge: it isn't straight across, you make a right turn and then a left hand turn. Tim and I had discussed the possibility of lunch in Mt. Pleasant but didn't spring it on Rick and Jen because we were concerned with the time. Rick had to get back to prepare for their Fireman's Pancake breakfast. It seemed like we had the time so off we went toward Mt. P at Burlington. 

Jerry's pizza seemed to go over well and then back through Burlington and on to Monmouth for ice cream at DQ. Made it back to BFE by 5:30 or so and it was a great ride.
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