Stopped by Chambers and Grove the other day after going to Walgreen's. I always like looking at our old house that protected the family for 2 decades. Although we we never were sorry to sell, I must confess a certain longing for the place. My huge 4 car garage and bar, my old cars, the beauty of the home inside and out, Tiki nights and the grounded stability. Now I feel like a gypsy moving back and forth from BFE and Florida. I so long to be planted at one place and move into the place "where I will grow old."
These old houses require constant maintenance. Certainly don't miss the scraping, painting, caulking and replacing the rotten boards. Here Judge Bulkeley's house, two north of us, is getting new paint.
The old home still looks great. Our old wicker chairs still sit out front. The flower beds around the pergola I built have been removed and replaced by grass. Same with the raised flower beds clear out back. New gutters and downspouts are the only things I can see as new.
I painted my house at least 4 times that I remember. Moving the heavy ladder around and then prepping was the worse part. Actually painting was a drag, too. Plus I had to use use up precious vacation time to get it all done, which was usually two weeks.
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