•Bill Haslam – 343,818 (47.4%)
•Zach Wamp – 212,110 (29.2%)
•Ron Ramsey – 159,567 (22.0%)
•Joe Kirkpatrick – 6,791 (0.9%)
•Basil Marceaux – 3,520 (0.5%)
My faith in Tennessee voters has been renewed.
2. "Not checking your Lotto tickets keeps the dream alive."
3. Last week a plane carrying a banner had to make an emergency landing on the highway right outside the apartment complex. I have to confess that your Blog-Master did NOT get out of his chair and go take a picture of it as many were doing. I was too lazy and too engrossed in Dexter to take leave. I feel guilty. So here is a picture I found in the newspaper:
4. Down here you don't go to shelters or humane societies to get a dog. They are all in foster homes or scattered veterinarian offices around town. In checking websites I saw a neat Boxer and wanted to check her out. So, you have to contact the Rescue agency and fill out an application, then you have to have a representative do a home visit. If you make it through that far then you are provided a different person who will set up visits either at the respective foster home or local park. Personally, I like the way it is done up North. You walk in, pick one out and go home.
And each breed has its own rescue organization. It is possible then to have to go through an application/home visit/appointments for 4 or 5 or even more organizations before you find the right pooch. It is a hassle and kind of takes away one's enthusiasm having to wait weeks to check out the dog you see on the web.
5. The season ending Friday Night Lights was awesome. It only has one more year then it will fade into Quality TV history. It's a shame we no longer have good TV shows; now all we see is America dance, sing, jump around padded hoops or watch pretty doctors cut into cadavers.
6. And maybe the dumbing down of America is reflected in the fact that we are ranked 11th of best nations in the world according to Newsweek magazine.
Our kids are getting a sub-par education, too. This from Washington Post:
"The average science score of U.S. students lagged behind those in 16 of 30 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a Paris-based group that represents the world's richest countries. The U.S. students were further behind in math, trailing counterparts in 23 countries."
The best country in the world, according to the article? And in schooling, too? Finland.
So the next time you hear someone say we are the greatest nation in the world, think 11th.
7. Outsourcing is evil and has had a deleterious affect on the business of this country. Ceridian, where Nancy works wants a 60% global employment structure. That means it wants over half of its workers based outside the US.
8. Speaking of customer service based in India and elsewhere, I heard you can ask for an English/American speaking person when you are struggling with understanding that person from Rawalpindi.
9. The Mets are playing irrelevant games and hope we can make some major changes over the winter. Bye bye Omar, Jerry and half the team would be a good start. Selling them to someone who cares would be even better.
10. My fantasy baseball teams updated results: Team 1: 9th out of 10. Team 2: 2nd out of 12. And finally Team 3, 6th out of 8. Disappointing year.
11. This is a website from M & M's. You can order the candy in your favorite baseball team. Maybe football, too.

This guy was spotted in Chicago the week of Aug 24th. It is a 4 footer and so far eluded all of the traps set for him.
13. Let me see if I understand this. We all have insurance. We pay a pretty hefty sum to insure our cars, bikes, home, things in our home, our lives, our nursing home room we never want to use, and some even pay for the health of our pets. But if you ever use their services you are deemed either a bad customer or get your payments increased. So their favorite customer is the guy who pays thousands, and thousands in a lifetime and never use their company. OK, I thought so.
14. Speaking of pizza. I found this site. Are you telling me I can get my 2nd best pizza down here in Florida? Huh. Awwwwlllrrrriiiggghhhhhttttt!!!!!!
15. Families are amazing: I can say the stupidest thing, I mean really act like a dick and they still like me.
16. I am so tired of hearing the word "absolutely". Everyone says it, but then why use "yes" when a 4 syllable word will suffice.
17. It's Time For Football!!
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