This young man is finishing up his grocery shopping from Publix right next door to the complex.

Look closer and you will see one of my pet peeves. His pants are below his ass cheeks. They are so comical I can't help but laugh.

This is Brendan yesterday at Three Birds after work. First full day of football games and he is ready: dressed in his Green Bay jersey, a Bud, and a computer so he can keep up with his fantasy teams. The bloody mary on the lower right is mine.
This is kind of a neat picture I took from the Skyway Bridge. The left set of skyscrapers (dark) is St. Petersburg. The right (brighter) set of skyscrapers is Tampa. I think you can click on the picture to make it larger.

Matt Carlson, Reverend Carl and Sally's kid came down to see Brendan. We had to take him to the Floridian, the must-eat sandwich joint in town. Rachel and Kenze are on the right.

It's never too early to get your couch rat, err I mean cat, its costume for Halloween. In fact, some outfits are appropriate all year long.

A guy has patented this upright coffin for areas that are crowded.

Another exhausting day for our little darling.

Cartoon from the Chicago Tribune after Blago's conviction/hung jury.
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