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Guys in power have been abusing that power since we crawled out of the primordial soup, I suppose.  Or, of you are a Creationist, since Adam was tempted by the asp.  Or if you prefer, the serpent, or the snake.  Or Eve, you name it.  It's been a while so I'm a little fuzzy on my Genesis stories.  I'm no trump apologist but I think its important to put some things in perspective.  Only two presidents have been without their extra-marital liaisons since the 30's.  FDR, even though confined to his wheelchair, apparently was able to do the dos-e-doe with his special friends, Lucy and Daisy.  Hey, Eleanor had her own thing going, too.

Likewise Ike whose secretary was able to take dictation standing, sitting or reclining, stood in for dear old Mamie who did her part manning the home front.  JFK was notorious for his dalliances even though he gutted it own with his bad back and all.  Imagine a healthy Jack whittling his conquests in that coconut he kept of his WWII days.  LBJ once said he had more women by accident than JFK had on purpose.  Jerry Ford, coincidentally, had an affair with one of JFK's ladies, an East German spy.  Small world, huh?  Or at the least, a small Capitol building.

George H. W. Bush had a secretary, a Jennifer Fitzgerald, who one person asked, "I don't know what her skills are, but she certainly can't type."  She wasn't the only one, though, and Nancy Reagan was only too happy to spread all the rumors of his affairs.  His kid, George didn't fall to far from the family tree, either, it would seem.  We all know about Monica, too with ole Wild Bill, too.  That seems to be the rule rather than the exception.  Men in power philander.  Maybe men without power, do too.  I don't know.  But I stop myself from digressing.

Hmm.  Where was I?   History can be fun and enlightening at the same time.  And often dirty.  One can only chuckle at the joke FDR could have made when he wrote "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, and Eleanor if she ever finds out."  Or JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your president." 

The fact that trump has had a mistress or many shouldn't really surprise us.  He is more primal than perhaps any other president.  Before we get all huffy about his brazen boorishness and lack of marital purity we should look at all the others who went before him and the seeming cultural (wink-wink) approval for that our powerful masters of industry and politics engage in.

I am happy we, as a society,  have decided to out all those guys who abuse their power in all types of ways.  #Me Too is a movement that is way too long in coming.  There is absolutely no excuse for the actions of our powerful in sing others to make their lives more colorful and exciting.   

If you want to knock trump you have a galaxy of material at your disposal.  But as long as we as a culture look the other way at the dalliances of our leaders he gets a pass for this.  Yes, he's a pig.  And you certainly don't want your kids or grandkids emulating him, but unless you are willing to crucify most of our leaders and culture, you can't nail trump to the cross on this one. 

The one game changer would be perhaps the alleged physical threats trump or one of his fixers may have used to get her to think straight on this matter.  Bobby Kennedy made certain all of his brothers affairs went away, in one way or another.  He made sure the East German spy was sent home.   As for the others who knows how he accomplished it all.   Until now.  I guess we'll see on March 25th if Stormy's interview is aired on 60 minutes.  I am at the head of the parade, or rather the townsfolk with the pitchforks, in excoriating our dear leader trump.  But on this matter, if the past is any indication, I have to give him a mulligan.  And that really hurts.             


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