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Piece Of My Mind

I owe our president a debt of gratitude.  I mean it.  I'm not being snarky, well, maybe a little.  But I truly do owe our Dear Leader a big whopping :"Thank You."

One might ask, and that one might be you Dear Reader, "Why?"  Before I answer, I just want to give some context.  I like to think of myself as late middle age, but I realize I'm early twilight.  I like to think of myself as a steady, rock-ribbed Independent, but I have voted for more Demos than Repubs.  I like to think of myself as a caring person and supporter of DACA kids, National Parks, LGBT folks and the poor.  I also like puppies.  I think RFK would have made a great President and GW, too, if he hadn't had that whole Al Queda thing.  Clinton was a pompous predator and Obama was too young and full of himself.  I voted for Bush once and Obama once.  I also voted or supported Mo Udall, George McGovern, Walter Mondale, Bob Dole, Mitt Romney and Hillary - all losers.  And oh, Jeb, what music we could have made together.  So I know a thing or two about losing, and losers.  

Donald Trump, President of the United States is a loser.  If, after almost 2 years, you have not reached that same conclusion then you are 1) a permanent resident of Mars, where it takes anywhere from 200 to 300 days for a newspaper to get there, 2) too young or too old to read or hear, or 3) a true-blue unwavering member of the dreaded 38% base that feeds (and loves) on his every tweet.  Bless his little administrative deconstructive heart.

I remember where I was when the first men landed on the moon, the Twin Towers came down and each of the four Met's World Series appearances.  I pissed next to Lindsey Nelson, waved to Jimmy Carter's Mississippi Queen from the docks of Keithsburg, almost saw Cary Grant and shook hands with the aforementioned Mo Udall.  I left the country once to Canada to see the Falls and flew 1200 miles to Puerto Rico once.  I have been proud of our country on the occasions it is nice to be Patriotic like the 4th, Memorial Day and, Hell, I even got into Pulaski Day when I got the day off from work.  

But, and I don't like saying this, I have not been a good citizen.  I have taken the whole America-as-an-idea thing for granted.  I fell asleep.  One president, from either party was, more or less, pretty boring.  One guy gets in and he ends up tiring everyone so the voters get another guy in and he does the same thing.  Back and forth.  Checks and balances, three branches, blah, blah, blah.  

And then along comes Trump, and I'd like to kiss his pointy head.   Thank you, Donald.  You have awakened in me the need to be the absolute best American I can be.  I need to do my homework on issues,  know what is being said and done, and legislated.  I need phone numbers and office addresses of those who represent me, and I need to reaffirm their votes or hold them to the fire.  America isn't a one and done proposition, we need constant vigilance.  

Thank you Donald.  When any candidate says things like grabbing women's pussies because he's famous, he needs to be reminded of old American values.  When a candidate says they could shoot someone and nobody would care, they need to be reminded of old American values.  When a candidate insults Gold Star parents, long time Allies, John McCain or the other 459 people or institutions listed by the New York Times and that was 2 years ago, they need to be reminded of old American values.  When a candidate tries to break the FBI, CIA and the Justice Department or destroy the free and unfettered press of this nation, they need a true Come-to-Jesus meeting with old American values.  

What are these old American values?  It is faith in each other, and ways to bind us instead of tearing us apart.  It is love and compassion of one another, each of us Americans, whether they be white, Muslim, gay or whatever - it is the melting pot of America that has made it so rich.  It is the respect for our institutions, imperfect though they may be.  The FBI, Justice system, military, our three branches of government, and yes, that includes Congress.  They ain't much right now, but it is the same place that gave us Social Security, Civil Rights, the Women's vote, and still, in its best days, represents us in good ways.  Old American values is a free press that gives us the truth, often slanted and biased, but sure as Hell beats no press at all.  For the most part we should thank the hard working journalists who go about recording our City Hall meetings and ferreting out corruption and abuses.  You want to know what Freedom is?  It's the reporter that stands in the way of unbridled political power and newspaper ink.  That's Freedom, guys.  

So, Donald, you have made me an observer, a citizen with passion, a skeptic who doesn't believe it until I see the byline.  And that byline better damn well be rock solid or I'll turn on you, too.  I want those DACA kids taken care of, and I want to have my eyes glisten again when I read the famous lines on the Statue of Liberty.  I want England, Mexico, France, Canada, Germany and Australia to like us again.  I hate Russia and their cyber ways and I want you to hate them too, Donald.  I want my old America back, and I'm tired of your lies, divisiveness, brutality, and bullying.

We used to be so good.  We built things and were the envy of the world.  We didn't always do everything right, Lord knows, but we kept on trying our best.  And still do. We died on beaches and fields in Europe, rice paddies in Vietnam, and engaged the enemy in the Middle East. We went to a thousand other places, and sacrificed our youth, in long forgotten battles so we wouldn't have lies, divisiveness, brutality and bullying. 

So, thanks, Donald.  You made me care.      




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