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Tuesday Tidbits

Welcome and Happy New Year


This is the type of ramshackle cabin I'm looking for up North.

(Isn't that the coolest thing?)


Chic-fil-a is a chain that is closed on Sundays because its owner, S. Truitt Cathy is a religious man and doesn't want his employees working on the Sabbath.  And yet it was open on Christmas?



This is usually the time of year I get real itchy about Northlandia.  Missed blizzards, missed night sky shots, missed shots at Beer Bellies, road trips, North Henderson.  Itchy isn't really the word.  The word hasn't been invented yet.



I saw an otter while walking to Datsko Park with Whizzbang, aka, Dumbstruck the Wonder Pup.  It was slinking from one pond to another across a road we always walk.  Unfortunately it was too fast for me to get the iPhone out and take a picture.  It was larger than I thought they were.  About 4 feet long, black and sleek.


Not saying anything here, just like the quote.



The best thing about Christmas is getting back to normal.  I recall Chesty always saying how he hated the Holidays.  Places closed.


This vulture didn't like having to move away from his roadkill when Whizzy and I passed by.  Big fucking bird.


Whizzy enjoys her new bandana from Santa.

Baby's first Christmas.



Empath Health is a place that takes up a whole city block and is on my early morning walking route.  I pity the poor secretaries/receptionists who have to man (is that sexist?) the phones everyday with that tongue twisting company name.  "Thanks for allowing Empath Health to be your healthcare provider.  You have an appointment with Dr. Ethel Thayer next Thursday at three.  Thanks again for thinking of us."


If my youthful indiscretions made me the black sheep of the family it was because I had a twin brother who kept egging me on.



We have been battling conjunctivitis.

Too bad it happened on her break, she could have gotten out of school for this.

PS.  Looks like I will have her this week at Papa's Daycare.


Egads! Can it be true?  Aquaman has returned to Emerald City?


The kids on Christmas Eve.  Both believers, perfect age.


And Finally, 

Spotted at Dunedin this past weekend.

Whizzy ain' t that kind of dog.


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