I wasn't going (so don't get mad Richard) to the Rod Show at Lincoln Park in Galesburg today. I woke up and decided I had lots to do, but after I looked around and didn't want to tackle any of it, I decided to go to this show with Baby. Besides, my bike is down for Lord knows how long, and I kind of wanted to get out.
Didn't win anything, of course, but it was kind of nice to do a show after a long Winter and cold, wet Spring. Lots of sympathetic stares and comments. Mine was the only 4-door besides a hearse and a stationwagon. Lots of cars and there is really, really, really, a tendency that has been creeping into shows that hot rods/rat rods/ and kit cars are more popular attractions than the stockers. Kinda sad, but thats what the Boomers are buying. In fact, out of the approximately 120 cars, there were only 3 or 4 true "stock" cars there, mine being one of them.
Whenever I go to this show I make it over to the Armed Forces Veteran area. Its a pretty cool place with amazing art work on the stones.
A belated thanks to the vets who have paid a price and sacrificed for the nation we have.
Oh, and Richard, the next show is in Standish Park in Galesburg on the 29th of June. The next one after that is one of my favorites, Francis Park in Kewanee on July 4th.

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