Before heading to Galesburg to help man the Western Illinois Antique Auto Club car show I stopped in to the firestation for breakfast. Biscuits and gravy, eggs and sausage along with coffee and orange juice is a great way to start the day. I actually hate helping my Club do this car show because few members have any particular assignments. There is a guy at the entrance who determines class, and there are people along the route to usher them down the sidewalk, but after that there isn't a lot of real help parking, and that is what is really needed. I have told the president of the Club that there should be at least two members parking in each of the 5 quadrants (I know, the math there stinks). Actually there are 4 quadrants in the park itself, but we also use the extensive parking lot to the south of the courthouse. It turns out to be a real cluster, in fact last year the accouncer at the show had to ask, over the loudspeaker) for members to help park. Nobody likes to park so other members just congregate around their buddies and yak leaving most of the parking to two or three people.

Camaros and Vettes

The Oldies Section, and I'm not just talking about the cars.
Crowded Class
A local magician attempting to get the members to help park. Sadly he soon disappeared.
I see this car all the time and have always liked it, for two reasons. Its a hot Plymouth and younger sister to my 62.
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