2. My former boss but constant friend, Gay Johnson wrote me:
two word marriages made in heaven:
school's out
summer time
July Fourth
fireworks extravaganza (what it lacks in fluidity, it makes up for in anticipation)
chocolate cake
3. Speaking of Gay, she used to bring us our paychecks with a little bonus. She handed out PayDay candy bars. In fact she kind of got me hooked on them. Well, Hershey, bless their hearts, has created the Avalanche, a PayDay covered in chocolate. They are extremely difficult to find. Can't find them anywhere in Galesburg except for the Dick Blick commissary. I had to travel to Aledo to find them. After you guys watch The Wire and Gran Torino, go find an Avalanche.
4. I'm going to have a difficult time submitting my letter of resignation this week. It's crazy to quit a job in this environment, Blick has been a darn good employer, and it represents the final formal attachment to this area. There were four main reasons for not traveling to Florida a year and a half ago, three of which were: 1. job, 3. Missy, and 4. my old cars. All will be gone by the end of this week.
5. When I traveled to Keithsburg on Sunday we ran into Lee Frick. He still remembered a funny time we had at Blackies bar many years ago. Mark and I were there with my mother for supper. Blackie came over and we were chatting. He had a hard time hearing and when I asked how his sex life was, or something to that affect, he misunderstood and thought I was talking about his diabetic toe: "Its still there but draining every so often." Don't think he ever knew why everyone in the place was laughing. Blackie (Julius) Bushong has been gone awhile now, but Helen, his wife is still around but has diagnosed with of Alzheimer's Disease.
6. I alternate between excited to get on with it and dreading the city.
7. Tried to watch Big Love but couldn't get into it.
8. Things to do before I leave: climb grain bin tower in BFE, Jerry's Pizza in Mt. Pleasant, see Calvin in London Mills who was in an ATV accident, and I hear someone wants to do a cookout.
9. Things to do when I get down there: lose weight, buy a bicycle (there is a long city-wide bike path right in our back yard), learn the roads, find the beach, get a job.
10. My friends aren't making it easy to leave.
11. This was in the Aledo Times Record around the turn of last century regarding the arrest of a fellow who had had a bit too much adult beverage:
Another poor unfortunate victim of intemperance was arrested on Saturday evening, and had until Monday morning to "sober off" in the seclusion of a private apartment in the County jail. On Monday morning he was fined $5 and costs, and being in an impecunious condition, was set to work in the streets, to "work it out."
12. Where St. Pete resides in population:
72 Fort Wayne Indiana 251247
75 Greensboro North Carolina 247183
76 St. Petersburg Florida 246407
78 Jersey City New Jersey242389
80 Scottsdale Arizona235677
81 Birmingham Alabama 229800
13. I see there's a Joe's Crab Shack in Clearwater about 16 miles away from our apartment. Hmmm. Wonder if I can get someone to go with me...you drive.
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