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Text-Only Tuesday Tidbits

1.  I have mentioned several times on this blog that growing up in small town Seaton was a great experience.  Marj and Herb denied us little.  One thing denied was a BB gun.  It was a staple on our Christmas lists but Santa, with firm directions from the folks, never seemed to be inclined to let us loose in town with those. 

Mark, the Wombie, was standing around up at the ball diamond where he shouldn't have been and got smacked in the mouth with a softball.  It is as horrific in my mind now as I'm sure it was then.  We were probably 6 or 7 and I had to accompany him, in a painful bloody trip to a new dentist in Monmouth who agreed to see him and begin working on the mess. By the way, that new dentist retired a couple years ago and as nice a man as there ever was, a Philip Sexton. 

I had forgotten, but the Wombie relayed this story while I was up in Northlandia in August.  On the ride up in an attempt to placate, mollify, calm and otherwise give some measure of comfort to this screaming kid in the backseat, the folks told him he could get anything he wanted when all this was over. 

Through gauze, dangling teeth, pain that had to be excruciating as well as trying to form words, poor Mark was able to direct his tongue to utter the stricken words, "BB gun" through his mangled and now swelling mouth. 

From the front seat came, "Anything but that."

2.  Watch people when they move or get up from chairs, and notice that guys hike up their pants while the ladies pull down their blouses.  Just a little observational tidbit.

3.  I'm going through a period when the old rock & roll just doesn't cut it.  Frankly, I'm bored with hearing the same old stuff on radio.  It all sounds so stale. While I was back in Northlandia I listened to Bob & Tom on an FM station but the music that they play was tiresome and too familiar.   I swear, if I hear anything from the Eagles one…more…time…and the worse song ever written, that Maurice thing, O God, it's like it plays non-stop.  Has ISIS infiltrated our radio stations?
That and I get no reception from any AM station, mostly static.  And so it was that I ended up listening most of the time to a... wait for it -------------------------------- a Christian music station.  Got to tell you, I'm not a lyrics guy, never one of those guys who memorized lyrics, it was always the musical notes for me.  Surprisingly nice stuff from those religious rockers.  Give it a try - tune out the lyrics - just go with the melodies, you might like it.

4.  I don't care where you are on the 2nd Amendment spectrum: Uzi's and 9 year old girls don't go together.  

5.  With all of the data breaches lately it might be time to go to cash-only for awhile.  Apparently the Big Bank guys, you know the ones who really run the country, may not have their shit together after all.  Watch for increased security measures and those chips we don't want to pay for when the fat cats start losing their passwords. 

6.  (Written last week and circumstances are fluid, so this may be outdated by the time you read this.) It's kind of funny all the pundits and talking heads being aghast this past week over Ray Rice's nailing his girlfriend in an elevator video.  Is there really any thinking rational person who was unaware of the NFL's thug culture that amped up the macho, animalistic, win-at-all-costs mentality and then meted out only token reprimands when that behavior spilled out in public.  No thinking  person can possibly fall for the idea that the NFL  brass never saw the first part of the video.  Instead of an indefinite suspension, Rice should be sitting in jail awaiting a prison term.  I have mentioned previously that the NFL promotes and condones a thug culture - because it makes for a good show on Sundays. 

7.  My Norah, emphasis on "my",  is leaving for Northlandia in a couple weeks for a weekend so that her parents can see relatives and friends up there.  What's wrong with Skype?  Or the phone?  Or the mail?  What am I supposed to do?  Really, tho, I am pleased her universe is going to expand; she has another set of grandparents and nieces and nephews, some of whom she has never seen.  I'm sure I can find something to do down here until her return.

8.  I almost adopted a dog in Northlandia.  She was a Border Collie/Aussie mix, 3 years old, from an abused home, and very sweet.  Unfortunately things didn't work out.  She would have been great to have in this God forsaken place.  There will be a time when it will work out, and until then I'll try to muddle along.  

9.  I have sent this diagram I sent to my friends from Sutor Woods who have taken up the brush.  I found this somewhere and it pretty much sums things up.  

Jeff and Carol will be painting soon and if they allow me, I will post them.  Holly, Wombie's wife, has also begun painting.  I saw some of hers when I was up in Northlandia, and I can say it is very good stuff.  And if that isn't enough, S-I-L Drew has also received expressed an interest and, in fact, has paint, canvas and brushes already to go for his first time at the easel.  It is really great to have others join the club. 

10.  As I write this on Monday morning, Neighbor Tim is traveling solo toward the Smoky Mountains on his bike, "Ole Blue".  Enjoy.   


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