We all carve out our routines throughout the day. Once I became acquainted with the Waterboard gym, and committed to get more fit, I began to rearrange my day. With my Papa Daycare client arriving at 7:35 am and wanting to avoid as many people as possible (I'm a people person, ask anyone), I began setting the alarm for first 4:00, then 3:00. Walking a treadmill for a couple hours is deathly dull stuff, even when the TV is running Rachel and Chris reruns, each equally apoplectic about the world, and probably rightly so. Every once in a while I'll take a look at state-run Fox, but that gives me a pain in my duodenum. CNN puts me to sleep and TCM is usually running Japanese samurai retrospectives. On those days when I can't take it anymore, I will take a nice walk around the block. The block here is roughly 4 miles and is fun in that I have things to hear and see that aren't yelling at me. My fi
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