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Tuesday Tidbits


A new study published in the British Medical Journal by researchers at Columbia University has concluded that there are more mass shootings in states that have more guns.  So much for the NRA's proposition that the only thing you need to stop shootings is a good guy with a gun. 




Heading to G-Burg.  Just west of Alpha.  Roads were clear, the air was cold, the sun was rising and heading over for breakfast with the girls.



I am pretty much chauffeured down here.  The fam doesn't like my slow, Midwestern, stay-in-one-lane kind of driving.  And that is just fine with me, because it gives me an opportunity to see the sights everyone else is missing by their fast, changing-lane ways.

Not purporting to be an expert on bumper sticker wisdom, I have to tell you a couple trucks got me scratching my head last week.  The top one has me baffled.  I try to keep up with urban slang, dirty words and the ever popular double entendre.  But I have to tell you, this one has me puzzled.  Is Cummin a reference to the power engine company?  And is there a Strokin company, too?  Is it a sexual reference in which case it seems to me that it is a lot like salt and pepper - you can't have one without the other.  How do you relegate one to expense of the other.  While I let you ponder that and if anyone has an answer feel free to let me know, let's check out the bottom one.

We are obviously supposed to thing "Smith & Wesson", the gun maker.  But this says "Smith & Wilson".  So what gives?  After a Google check this refers to the two gentlemen who created Alcoholics Anonymous.  This driver is in recovery.    



Perpetuating the stereotype.  Fray's donuts, St. Pete.






Jeopardy won't be the same without Alex Trebek. Stage 4 Pancreatic C is a death sentence. Nice to see he is going to fight it, but, me? Give me meds to make me comfy and I'm going on a last roadtrip.


The Trump administration finally did something I agree with.  They told that Alabama girl who became radicalized, joined the ISIS, and then wanted to come back to stuff it.


The Wombie and I were cruising Emerald City and I noticed a lawn mower in front of us.  It had a scoop on the front and it had just snowed so no big deal.  You know those back window memorials people put on their cars?  This lawn mower had one of those.  Struck me as funny - until the Wombie filled me in on the whole story.  Now it's not so much.    


There has been conjecture recently if Fox News is a mouthpiece of the White House or if the White House is a mouthpiece of Fox news.  Either way, the vision of Sean Hannity running Trump/US is breathtakingly scary.  And by the way, Judge Jeanine Pirro, who gets so much wrong and has the grating voice to back it up,  cost Putnam County 41 million back in '91 for her closed minded stance on DNA testing.  She made the news this week, too for claiming hijabs show contempt for the Constitution.  Wow.  Time to reread it Jeanine.  And Tucker, you sleaze.  Those recordings are apparently so foul they can't be broadcast.  Oh well.  



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