Florida is the place where you see things and go to places...once. The one exception might be the Green Thumb sale that happens the last weekend of every April. This is where Whizzbang made her social debut last year and was properly ooh'ed and awe'ed by many of the fellow plant buyers. Many venders with plants and yard stuff gather at a park in St. Pete and I must admit, it's OK as far as things down here go.
Like all things also sown here, parking is a bitch as are all the people bumping and milling around. Most have wagons, many have dogs, and all have the sense of entitlement that means they get in the tent to see the bauble before you.
And, I suppose, some are good people.
I'd like to bitch about the needy people taking their needy pets to a public function, but since I took Whizzbang last year I won't. By the way, Whizzy stayed home this year because she is "no longer a pup and isn't cute anymore."*
She's not heavy, she's my sister.
Ayla had been displaced in the wagon by many plants so she hitched a ride on Norah. It was kind of sad watching her go from person to person looking for a lift. She found the weak link in Norah.
Obviously a veteran of this cluster, this old guy had on his shades and didn't at all mind the paparazzi.
I looked all over for the porta-potties after about an hour of corralling the kids, putting the smallest one on my back because it was too lazy, and because I had a real lemonade. And I mean I looked all over. I finally hear someone said they had to go to the bathroom so I watched as they approached a trailer parked off to the side. I noticed the Men and Women signs so was relieved, then relieved. Anyway, I was the only one in there and I am not usually int he habit of taking pictures in the "john". But this was a public park function and this bathroom in a trailer was like the fanciest place I'd seen short of a Marriott. Fancy-schmancy. Luxury for the masses.
Florida may be a shithole, but this trailer sure wasn't.
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