Who can fathom the fates? As luck would have it, Janine's father, Gib GoSline died suddenly at home in Burgess on Sunday, September 19th. He lived a long colorful life and was uniquely original. The picture above of Jo and Gib was taken by me just three days before his death and although he was having some health problems, was still active and getting around well. Nancy and Janine have been friends since school days so it was good fortune we were here.
There were many stories swapped the next few evenings in Marvin's garage bar. Obituaries never capture the true life, how could it in two or three short paragraphs? Gib and his wife Josephine, or Jo, who is 90, were practically inseparable. He worked as a drummer in his very early years in places that were similar to back-door speakeasies. Jo was curious about what went on in those places and wanted to go in one. To protect her from such stuff, he quit. Now that is love. In a house they lived in across town he had an in-ground swimming pool put in. Around the pool and the adjoining sidewalk spelled out "Jo" if you could see it from the air. Now that is love. They were ball room dancers and went to all the places back in the old days. She was 15 when they met. Imagine living with someone for 75 years. They used to winter in St. Pete, he had a marina for quite a few years in Rock Island and was expert in tools, designing and making things, and making sure things worked perfectly. He was a man who had his family living close by, and in the case of Janine, Andrea, Richard and their girls, living in the same small community. Josephine is doing well but how do you fill that void after 75 years? Gib just about chased me out of town a few years ago. I was on my bike on a particularly hot summer day. I took off my shirt and had on a wife-beater so my tattoos were easily seen. I rode into town looking for either the Bartons or Thirtyacres for a beer in the bar. I couldn't find them so before leaving I thought I'd put a cigar in Richard's mailbox to let him know I was there. I had left one on Marvin's bar, too. As I was fiddling with the mailbox, Gib comes racing out the door in a kind of hopscotch fashion yelling "Hey, hey, hey" and then "What business do you have in town?" Can't really blame him, with the tats, the heat and my messing around with a mailbox, Gib was just protecting the area. As he got closer he recognized me and we had a nice chat. Speaking of that, he also has three cars: a Cadillac, an Imperial and Lincoln Continental. Like I said, he likes things that work well and there were no better American made cars.
Marvin returned from his fishing trip and Janine and family gathered to mourn the loss of great and fascinating man. Like Gib's dad said before he died, "Isn't it funny how the young ones come in and the old ones go out."
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