Got a message from Neighbor Tim that he was working at home on Friday (September 17)and would be able to take a ride in the afternoon. Nancy dropped me off at BFE where my bike is being stored, not cheaply I might add, and Tim and I headed out on what would be our only ride of the week.
Best view in BFE. Forget the towering views from the cliffs of BFE, or the majestic city skyline, or even the bustling commerce of business and traffic downtown: the best view from BFE is in the Recreation Center with the town's coldest beer.
Saturday night we went to Beer-Bellies in Aledo with Mark and Holly and had a great time. This is Nancy and her back up singer, Kathy, along with the music director working on a number. Credit should also go to Kris Salmon up on the stage singing pretty well.
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