Everyone went to the Wagon Wheel flea market today (September 5) mentioned a couple of times in this blog. Nothing new except saw some snakes for sale and a thief caught trying to take something from a Vietnamese vendor. Boy, were they pissed.
Perhaps the most interesting thing is that I am apparently "in the game." Drew and Brendan purchased pellet air pistols. I decided I'd like one, too so I bought one. The game has few rules: hit a fellow gamer when least expecting it. Or, even when they expect it. These little pistols pack quite a little punch for $6.95. Drew has a welt under his ear and Brendan got one pretty darn close to his ear. When I said I wanted out I was told you can never get out once you are in. So now I'm jumpy as a whore in church. We are having a cookout at Drew's and all the players will be there. I'm bound to get shot several times and lack of weapon does not excuse you from the action.
Brendan and Drew buying their air pistols and ammo.
Brendan loading his weapon. Brendan on guard from attack.
Drew fires and Brendan takes the shot.
Damn, and now I have to get involved in this stuff. Well, alright, Pilgrims, listen and listen tight. First son-of-a-bitch hits me below the belt is gonna get a good education from the 'Old Professor', got it?
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