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Inane Inanities

1.  I don't get this e-Book thing with phones.  Who the hell would want to read a book, or watch a movie for that matter, on a small screen cell phone?

2.  This 1999 photograph provided by Chrisitie's shows the Rhine river by German artist Andreas Gursky. Titled "Rhein II," the chromogenic color print face-mounted to acrylic glass was sold for $4.3 million Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011, at Christie's in New York City, setting a record for any photograph sold at auction.  $3 M-I-L-L-I-O-N?????  Hey look at my pictures, see anything you like?

3.  I just noticed Sink The Bismarck was on AMC.  I remember it being on TV when we were being babysat by Leota, Seaton Master Nanny, and we had been watching it when Leota insisted it was time for bed.  I think I raised a good fuss over that directive.  I really wanted to see the end.  Of course, the title kind of gives away the ending.

4.  So, Hershey's puts in less chocolate in their Kisses, renames it Air-Puffed and like Madison Avenue says, it's New and Improved.  Sometimes we don't need to be hypnotized to act on the power of suggestion.

5.  It is impossible to go anywhere in this city without being hit up for a handout.

6.  The picture below is an old turn-of-the-century photo of an area in new york City.
There are a couple of interesting things that can be seen.

First, look at the building to the left of the main one.  There is some new construction.  That rickety work area, of course, was before safety concerns had been implemented.  There was no OSHA, or federal mandated legislation to safeguard the welfare of workers.

Next we have a lone reminder of an era that will soon end.  Parked amongst the newfangled horseless carriage, we find a remnant of when the main means of individual travel was the horse.  

And finally, a time when things were slower, perhaps less violent.  A time when you could leave your baby in the carriage and stroll into the Fur Novelty Shop and do some shopping while the kid stayed outside to bask in the sunshine...totally alone and unsupervised.

 7.  The recent History Channel program Viet Nam had an interesting statistic.  Average number of combat days for World War soldiers per year was 10 days.  For the soldier in Vietnam the number was 240.  That is amazing if accurate.

8.  “I was there to take down the names of people who were arrested… As I’m standing there, some African-American woman goes up to a police officer and says, ‘I need to get in. My daughter’s there. I want to know if she’s OK.’ And he said, ‘Move on, lady.’ And they kept pushing with their sticks, pushing back. “And she was crying. And all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he throws her to the ground and starts hitting her in the head,” says Smith. “I walk over, and I say, ‘Look, cuff her if she’s done something, but you don’t need to do that.’ And he said, ‘Lady, do you want to get arrested?’ And I said, ‘Do you see my hat? I’m here as a legal observer.’ He said, ‘You want to get arrested?’ And he pushed me up against the wall.”
New York State Supreme Court Judge Karen Smith quoted by Democracy Now.

9.  This from the St. Pete Times this week:

ST. PETERSBURG — Two would-be carjacking victims still have their car after their assailants were thwarted by an unlikely ally: The car's stick shift.

Police said a 45-year-old man was dropping off a work truck on the 1000 block of 31st St. S just before 1 a.m. His 23-year-old girlfriend came to pick him up in her 2007 Nissan, which has a manual transmission.

She stopped to let her boyfriend get out and lock up at the business' gate. As he returned to the car and the pair got ready to drive away, two men appeared on either side, police said.
One pulled out a handgun and told them to get out or they would shoot. The couple got out. The two men demanded money and a cell phone. They got a cell phone, but apparently no money, police said.
The men then jumped into the vehicle and started it up, but that's where they were foiled. They couldn't drive stick.
Police said the two men gave up and ran north on 31st Street S.

Why don' they teach this in drivers Ed?

10.  On November 9th I went to a nearby Wal-Mart for some mints and pop.  I grabbed what I needed within 6 minutes and had to wait 38 minutes to check out.  I vowed at that time, and you can etch this in stone: FROM WHERE THE SUN NOW STANDS I SHALL SHOP WAL-MART NO MORE FOREVER.  So OK, I paraphrased Chief Joseph's words, but it was equally dramatic.  I can't believe the almost total lack of regard for one's customers.  It's not just this store either.  Go into any of them and you will have a routinely lengthier wait compared to Target.

It has been almost 2 months and like an ex-smoker's brag, I feel empowered, cleansed and free.

11.  Celebrating Christmas in Florida is like having Spring Break in Antarctica.

12.   Bought myself the new James Curtis biography of Spencer Tracy last month for my b-day.  It's over a thousand pages long but can't wait to get started.

13.  I find it odd that people bemoan the thug culture of the NFL, then turn around and deride Tim Tebow.  Tim elevates more on one knee than all the supercilious post-play dancing gyrations in an entire game.  But we want the thug mentality, now don't we.  We need the thug mentality with our thuggish NFL, manly, Cro-Magnon, eat dirt, Ditka preening, Sunday afternoons.    

14.  This is a picture of a Black Star Coal mine scatter tag.  My Dad had an elevator is Seaton and I can remember mounds of coal we'd play in when we were kids.  It had these tin foil tags sprinkled in it.  I saw this on Ebay and got it.  Just a sentimental old jackass, I guess.

15.  When was the last time you saw a smart movie.  I mean a really smart one.  No, Transformers 3 doesn't count.  Neither does  Cars 2, Pirates 4, Hangover 2, Scream 4, Mission Impossible 4, Panda 2,  Harry potter 8, or much else that came out this year.  Last year The King's Speech was smart.  I just saw Margin Call. First smart movie I've seen all year.  See it, it's good...and smart. 

16.  Glimpsed briefly a TV reality (aren't they all these days?) show called Man vs Food or something like that.  To say I was appalled would be an understatement.  If America is losing it's mojo, then this show is leading that parade.  It represents everything that is going wrong for the good old U.S. of A.  It features an overweight embicile who attempts to overeat on whatever restaurant he is in.  Giant burgers or some kind of sandwich and he gorged himself like a bloated toad.  And everyone around him is applauding.  A Fat American getting fatter cheered on by fellow idiots who think this is entertainment.  A fat America getting fatter and watching swill like this instead of reading a book, building a model, critiquing an old black-and-white movie.  Hell anything.        


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