First frost of the year in St. Pete. My back yard with the frost on the ground and steam rising from the heated pool.
This guy was walking around the Wagon Wheel flea Market wearing his pants under his ass cheeks so he could let all of us see his purtty baby blue underwear. Lord, some people.

Another picture from the flea market. This man's Man Card was taken earlier for selling goddamn doilies. Geez, man, how embarrassing.
The break area at Dick Blick in Galesburg, by Sherry Godsil.
The snow coming down in Sherry Godsil's driveway during January's first big snow. I need that!!
Sherry Godsil, a friend from Blick in G-Burg is undertaking a photographic project. She is snapping one picture a day for all of 2012 and putting it on Facebook. While I'm not a big fan of that site I do check it regularly and look forward to her pictures. Her pictures are the two above. It's gonna be a fun year watching what she can do.
Miss Norah wearing a hat at Target. Remember, I swore off Wal-Mart. It's been about 3 1/2 months and still haven't given them a red penny. And I don't miss it. At All!!
Went with Kenzie to dentist so I could take care of Norah, and this guy and girlfriend/wife came in shortly after I did. They had a preemie kid who was only a month old. I looked over at one time and took this shot of him with his hand over his face either in pain, or realizing his path in life with a newborn. Seemed like he simply couldn't bear life anymore.
Sad picture. And no, no one is spared if I have a camera around. The blog is always hungry.
The Christmas decoration on Brendan's and Rachel's porch. A lighted head-swinging dinosaur. Yeah, me too, I don't get the connection either.
Is that Norah behind those shades?
We went to Clearwater to a small deli over there with a long Italian name. We heard they had frozen Davis Bros. pizzas. Davis Bros. pizza has two locations in Peoria and we went a couple years ago and it was great. Thin crust, not overloaded with a bunch of stuff; simple and old school. Picked up 4, had 2, and they are great!! Second best pizza in America.
Sign as you are leaving St. Pete Animal Shelter. Yes, I'm looking for a new friend. Missy has been gone almost three years. Imagine that. It is quite difficult to find one, however. There are pounds but there is a preponderance of Pit Bulls and/or Pit mixes. If I had to guess I'd say 80% of all available adoptions are Pit Bulls. Then you have to navigate the rent/own conundrum. Shawshank may or may not allow renters to get dogs, and if they do, they can't be anymore than 30 lbs. Then there is the rescue agencies that require home visits. Blah, blah, blah. Not at all like up North where you go into a shelter, pick one out and off you go. Chances of actually getting one here, maybe 30%. May have to put it on the back burner for now.
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