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2015 Report Card - January/February

On January 1st I posted something referring to the major points that needed addressing for the new year.  I guess I better go look it up.  Ah, yes.  It was cleverly titled "A New Year".  Perhaps it's time to go and see how things are going. 

1.  Health

Laziness is a killer.  Motivation is everything.  I have a goal of 10,000 steps each day.  Sometimes I make it, sometimes I don't.  It was easier, of course when Bry was here, and we would set off for new territory.  But without her, it's just me and sometimes it is difficult to find the necessary energy to grab the MP3 and headphones and find a path out of Bedlam.  

I used to jog and enjoyed it.  I was really in a routine for a few years and felt the day dishonored if I didn't start with a jog around Hawthorne.  Then my knee started to get cranky and eventually stopped.  I really miss that, but unless I want a replacement 10 years from now I best stick to walking. 

One thing I have begun doing is a little tennis.  I can do it by myself: I walk over to the courts and play against the building wall.  Good exercise, helps hone my cat-like reflexes, and gets me out of the stifling apartment walls.  

I'm still eating too much stuff I shouldn't (Publix had a BOGO on Entemmen's donuts a couple weeks ago) and hope to work on that more in March.  I have my yearly check-up in April, so I want to dazzle the good doctor with my health so I best step it up this month.

Uppermost on my mind is a certain little bike ride I have committed to in August or September.  It will be a long haul and while I can't figure out how to toughen my ass (pickle brine?) the sheer act of all day riding can be exhausting.  I need to get ready and fit for that.  

Consistency and routine are the keys.     

Grade - D  

2.  Wealth

2014 was a very good year in the stock market.  I decided to "harvest" some profits from a couple mutual funds and put them in a savings account.  No one knows what will happen this year but some are calling for a 10-30% dip in the market, so taking some profits off the table isn't a bad idea.  Of course just as many are predicting a good year so that is money that is not working for me.  

I also did a little rebalancing, and I now have more in bonds than equity than last year.  Again, the bonds don't make anything but when or if the next major dip happens I'll lose less.  Now before you go thinking I am swimming in wealth, well, I'm not.  You can get in a mutual fund for $100.  

My Christmas fund worked well last year and will do it again.  It certainly relieves the stress in December.  I changed around how much Uncle Sam takes out and I don't know how that will affect me at tax time, but it should be better, too. 

I've started my motorcycle trip fund as well as another online savings account that will take care of nagging insurance-type funds that, while expected, sometimes come at inopportune times.  So, for organizational sake alone, I'm happy so far.  I'm set with the current balance and hope its another good year.

Grade - B  

3.  Stuff We Do Because We Like Doing It

As expected, I am waaaaaay behind on my painting projects.  In the New Year's pep talk I posted a goal of a painting a week.  Well, I'm sorry to say I am about 5 paintings behind.  I'm now amending that goal and changing it to 2 paintings per month, which means I'm  now only 2 behind.   

I started one and got bogged down because it wasn't working.  I also went to the art store and picked up some nice big canvasses and have one all primed ready to go, but now I am waiting for inspiration.  Even a lousy idea could lead to a good one.  

As you can see in this photo, I have a nice big 40" by 30" ready to go and a smaller one propped against the wall that needs to be finished.  

As for the photography part, I haven't done as much outside nighttime shooting as I'd like, but then, it's tough to find nice sky here.  I may have stumbled on a place to take pics of the sky and will investigate it one of these days.  It's not in the best of areas, but it certainly warrants a try.  I'll let you know if it works out.  

I am stuck in a perfect storm of heavy traffic and roads leading toward more traffic, so I am not riding the bike at all.  I see bikers all over the place, but without a decent place to go and/or a riding partner, it just loses its appeal for me. 

In addition, I was going to start an account on Etsy and see if I couldn't unload some of these paintings.  That hasn't happened.  And it probably won't.  I'm not prolific enough and I seriously doubt if its any good.  Let's just assign it to the "hobby" category and forget about making any money.

And the loss of Bry was a resounding jab to the heart, so in that respect the year has been a bust so far, but with 10 months to go, I have high hopes. 

Grade - D

4.  Place In The Universe 

As mentioned in the post dated January 1st, I noted that Florida was increasingly getting on my last nerve.  Yes, the family was here, but a guy needs projects, and friends, and dark skies, and open roads.   A great friend told me it was tough to get to second base when my foot was still on first.  I am in the process of taking that foot off the bag.  

With that in mind I have begun to find my place in the universe.  Without revealing more, or suffering from premature articulation, I can tell you that "a couple of the balls" are in the air, and depending on how they fall, will determine an important new chapter.  I hate to be coy but I simply don't have enough information right now, but it will be forthcoming.    

Grade - B+

Trying to average the grades I suppose we are in the "C" or "C+" territory.  But March is here and another month to get going on some things.  I will have to revamp drastically my art project output.  It's simply not going to happen like I wanted.  Marj used to write a list of things to accomplish daily on a notepad.  I'm not talking 3 or 4 items.  Sometimes there would be 35 things on it, many of which would carry over to the next day.  Maybe I will start a list with my morning coffee.  I guess I'll re-evaluate things around the first of May and give you another update on the New Year's goals.  Till then, happy accomplishments!


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