2. Recent quote I read from some T. Bogg "“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross, sitting in a lawn chair and eating a KFC Double Down.” No politics here, but just a call to all of us to fact-check our information and study the candidates.
3. Check out Shorpy's Photographic Archive blog (http://www.shorpy.com/) and you will be blown away by the pictures, some of which are 100 years old or more. Sometimes they are from the 70's but all are extremely fascinating.

Old picture (1947) of Washington DC street back when burning leaves was a ritual of Fall.

5. George Lucas beats dead horses. And he has been doing it for decades. Lucas you undoubtedly know created Star Wars back in 1977 and has been riding, and beating that horse ever since. He made 6 movies in the series and since then has been whoring his product as Collector's Editions, Director's Editions, Anniversary Editions, cartoons, and now converting them to 3-D.

Like a hack busily and enthusiastically working on Friday the 13th XXVI, Lucas recycles his lone creative epiphany endlessly hoping a new generation will fork over their recession dollars on an idea that has been blase since 1987.
Harper Lee wrote "To Kill A Mockingbird" then retired from writing. Her lone idea was good enough and it still stands as a classic. Imagine if Lucas had written it. We'd have TKAM 7: Boo Has a Yard Sale. Or TKAM 8 3-D: Atticus is Abducted By Jar Jar Binks.
Admittedly I am no Star Wars fan. I saw the first one and haven't seen any since. I was expecting cutting edge sci-fi, and what I got was OK Corral with hovercraft and annoying dildo-shaped robots. So I am the only one in the universe who didn't like it (or get it), but still, why not put that poor nag down and put us out of our misery.
6. I have finished watching 4 seasons of Dexter. It was astonishingly great.
7. The Post Office has been denied its 2 cent increase. Finally someone recognizes the PO is obsolete as presently constructed and it must change its business model. It lost $3.8 billion last year. Talk about TARP and the bailout! We have been bailing this 19th century relic out for decades.
8. Reported earlier, the panhandling bums have been removed from the street corners of St. Pete and many believed they had gone to Tampa to beg. However, in the catagory of unintended consequences, they actually stayed here and are walking the parking lots of Wal-Mart, and Target. When you get out of your car and before you enter the building they will approach you for money.
9. The Crazies is a good movie for people who like that kind of thing. HBO's Temple Grandin is an excellent story of a brilliant autistic lady whose affliction was misunderstood in the '50s. Both made for a satisfying weekend of movie viewing.
10. Poor stupid endless talking from football analysts bother me. This exchange between Al Michaels and Cris Collinwood on Thursday's opening Saints - Vikings game.
CC: "Last year after Meachum broke his femur he was writhing on the field wondering if he would ever play again."
Some bantering about the same incident and rehab, then this:
AM: "Meachum never doubted he would play again."
Poor stupid announcers can't even stand listening to each other. What are the rest of us to do?
11. There’s a park in Kentucky called Big Bone Lick State Park.
As I went home there was a plane with a banner flying around town that read:
"Capitol Hill is flighty. Vote them all out."
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