A few years ago Illinois Power/AmerenIP began a tree trimming policy that entailed the massive cutting of any lims and branches that were within any way close to power lines. Many trees all over the area became grotesque characterizations of a Dali painting. Outrage from the local citizens was met with pronouncements from IP that this was standard practice, would eliminate outages and would not hurt the trees, except visually.
Here, in the land of hurricanes, I noticed power lines running right through a line of trees that seemingly does not require major surgery from the local power company. I wonder why trees down here are not deemed to be a reason for outages like they are up north. The potential for powerful storms are just as possible here as in Galesburg. Makes you wonder about labor costs, bottom-line bean-counting, the philosophy of landscaping and customer service. I don't know who handles power down here, but I'll give them kudos over Illinois Power/Ameren IP.
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