I almost bought a house last month. So close, in fact that I stopped over at Sears to check out lawn mowers. You know, those neat Cub Cadet types where you have a beverage holder and can actually make mowing somewhat fun.
Nancy and I looked at it when we were back in September. I loved it. 5 acres nestled in the prettiest green Illinois valley. 10 miles north of Galesburg and only a short jag over to BFE, it was ideally located. It even had a barn. A small one but it looks like a barn, so it is. I even had everyone in the family kind of rooting for me. But, sadly, the foreclosure company chose another offer. There were a couple of middling problems, like mold and non-too-safe wellwater, but we could have handled that, I suppose. Yep, that could have been my summer home and could have wintered down here. Sure sounded neat. I pictured myself, with cup of coffee in hand, in the morning belting out a couple of bars of "Green Acres" lounging on the front porch. Also saw myslf conferring with neighbors over the weather as I pondered my 4 acres of grass or hay or whatever it was. Perhaps they would have called me "Baron". I had envisioned my dog, my full-size pick up truck, my telescope (did I mention it had a small deck off the upstairs bedroom?) and lots of open roads for riding the Kawi. It was heaven.
Oh, well, it was fun to think about and I sure gave it a Hell of a go, but guess, as they say in the real estate world, it wasn't meant to be. I am rather crestfallen that my dream home has been sold.
This is the front porch where I would sing "Green Acres", and look over to see my land and perhaps some deer frolicking in the morning fog.
Had a deck off the upstairs bedroom. And, yeah, that's a swimming pool back toward the barn.
Side view.
My 'almost' barn.
4 acres. What do i do with it? Dirt track, mini putt-putt, nudist colony?
I doubt if I find anything like this again that i could actually afford, so I'll mourn for awhile and think wistfully, '...what might have been.'
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